Truth is knowledge... only verified SMTechnical Services Technical Services is comprised of five (5) areas: - Polygraph Examinations
- Computer & Digital Forensics
- TSCM (Electronic Surveillance Detection)
- Covert CCTV/Video
- E-mail Tracking
Our resident experts are certified in their respective fields and nationally recognized.Polygraph Examinations
Polygraph Examinations are primarily used in Post-Event Investigations and Pre-employment Screening. Both instances are regulated by the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988
Pre-employment examinations are conducted in areas concerning Government Employees, National Security, Law Enforcement, occupations involving Controlled Substances, and companies providing Security Services.
Post-Event Examinations are in conjunction with ongoing investigation that pertain to an economic loss or injury to an employer. This type of examination is highly successful in excluding individuals from consideration in the pending investigation. By excluding individuals as suspects, investigative resources can then be focused on individuals not excluded by the examination. Computer & Digital Forensics
Computer Forensics is the recovery of data from a computer. Digital Forensics is the recovery of data from digitla media. In many cases, the data may have been damaged, accidentally erased, destroyed, or intentional erased.
Computer & Digital Forensics is used for: - Evidence Discovery
- Litigation
- Criminal Investigations
- Employee Malfeasance
- Pedophile and/or Child Pornography
- Corporate Espionage Investigations
Computer & Digital Forensics services are performed for only legal purposes and entities. Diogenes LLC reserves the right to decline an assignment it deems contrary to established legal guidelines or ethical interests.
Click on Forensic Computer Investigations to learn more details.TSCM (Electronic Surveillance Detection)
Electronic Surveillance can take many forms. Telephone listening device (bug), room monitoring device, covert video, vehicle tracking, and remote monitoring are just some forms of electronic surveillance.
Diogenes TSCM consulting service specializes in the detection of eavesdropping, electronic surveillance, and electronic espionage. TSCM includes all countermeasures employed to prevent or detect the interception of sensitive, classified, or private information.
An initial TSCM sweep is typically an inspection by a Diogenes technician of a physical item or place (briefcase, automobile, office, home, boat, etc...). The purpose is to locate possible covert surveillance devices (bugs), technical security weakness, and technical security hazards. A TSCM specialist will also evaluate for weaknesses all locks, alarms, and other systems of physical and electronic security or controls. If any illegal devices are located, the Diogenes technician will notify the client and remove them upon request.
TSCM detects most forms of electronic surveillance. By using our state-of-the-art radio frequency analyzers and thermal imaging equipment, Diogenes technicians can locate the source of your concern. Telephone systems are tested with specialized telephone line analyzers. The end result is a high confidence your location is free of electronic surveillance.
Diogenes LLC TSCM program can verify if you are the subject of electronic surveillance. Reasons for electronic surveillance concern: - Sensitive Corporate Meetings
- Sensitive Communications
- Trade Secrets
- Corporate Espionage
- Boardroom Discussions
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Delicate Negotiations
- Litigation Strategies
- Employee Safety
- Vulnerable Off-site Meetings
- Executive Residences & Home Offices
- Personal Privacy
TSCM services are performed for only legal purposes and entities. Diogenes LLC reserves the right to decline an assignment it deems contrary to established legal guidelines or ethical interests.Covert CCTV/Video
Employee monitoring, theft/fraud detection, evidence gathering, surveillance and personal security are just some of the reasons Covert CCTV/Video is used.
Diogenes LLC offers a variety of Covert CCTV/Video options. - Pinhole CCTV camera systems.
- Camouflage camera systems (hidden in radios, spotlights, desk lamps, exit signs etc.).
- Body and portable covert camera systems.
Covert Camera services are performed for only legal purposes and entities. Diogenes LLC reserves the right to decline an assignment it deems contrary to established legal guidelines or ethical interests.Electronic Mail (e-mail) tracking
Diogenes LLC can usually find out all of the following:
- Exactly when your email was opened.
- How long it was read for.
- Approximately where your reader is located (nearest town or city).
- How many times your email was re-opened and re-read, as well as when and where etc.
- What kind of email software your reader is using.
- What kind of computer and operating system your reader uses.
- What languages your reader can accept or understand.
- What kinds of email attachments your reader can view (eg: Microsoft documents, or Adobe files, etc).
- Whether or not your email was forwarded to someone else.
- If it was forwarded, where is was forwarded to, sometimes including who subsequently reads it.
- If your email gets published online, we can find this out as well as where (the URL) it is posted.
To learn more, you may contact us by telephone (203.264.6802) or via email.
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